Here is the presentation of fauna and flora in the specific forest reserve made by Kenaelle, Loanne and Onésime :
jueves, 4 de febrero de 2021
Fauna and flora in Reunion island : Herbal teasers and endemic and indigenous plants
Here is the presentation about Herbal teasers and endemic and indigenous plants made by Samyantie, Camille and Mathéo :
Fauna and flora in Reunion island : the marine reserve
Here is the presentation about the marine reserve made by Nathalia, Maëlle, Chloé :
Fauna and flora in Reunion island : marine mamals
Here is the presentation about marine mammals made by Noam, Samuel and Ny Aina :
Fauna and flora in Reunion island : the ingenious cultures
Here is the presentation about the ingenious cultures made by Julien, Maxime and Jade :
Here is a presentation about the FRUITS AND VEGETABLES « LONTAN »FROM REUNION ISLAND made by Anwad, Nadia and Benyamine :
Fauna and flora in Reunion island : endemic and native fruits and vegetales.
Here is a presentation about endemic and native fruits and vegetales in Reunion island :
Flora and fauna in Reunion island : the endemic and indigenous palm trees
From october to december, we studied the fauna and flora in Reunion island.
Here is a presentation abour the endemic and indigenous palm trees made by Pablo, Kenza and Ylan :
the arrival of the concrete in reunionese architecture
From march to may, we studied reunionese architecture. Here is the presentation of Anwad, Benyamine and Ny Aina about " the arrival...
Discovering our landscape: Spanish team outing to "Las Lagunas de Ruidera" (5th February 2020) The Spanish pupils together...
A few days ago we had the chance to visit the baptistery of Lydia, the arcaeological site of Filippi, the ancient theatre and the museum....
Third skype: we had an appointment with our Reunionese partners this Thursday, March 05, 2020; in the program : * presentation of the Avign...