domingo, 22 de diciembre de 2019

The november 13, the erasmus form was to the top of "Maïdo", a point of view on all the cirque of "Mafate".
A very large landscape with a lot of diferent approaches possible.
Indeed, before the outing, the pupils discovered that a landscape doesn't exist. It's a representation : picture, drawing, poem, story, description, map, symbols...
But, each landscape has his own history too : in this case, geologics changes due to volcano, rains, wind... or changes due to human people (architecture, fields of growing), or history like displacements of people (in this case, fleeing slaves)
The name of a few montains keep the track of this history : here we've got the Cimendef's top and closed to it the Marianne's crest. Both were slaves who married. And Marianne was the daughter of a fleeing slave, Anchaing, who's name is the name of a piton (the only one of Unesco in the Salazie cirque), his own refuge during 10 years.

So, the pupils had to build their own approach of the landscape. Unfortunatly, the weather was bad in the cirque and they didn't see Mafate. Only the part oustide the cirque
They had to do pictures and give a title, then pictures with a title it's impossible to understand without explanation. They had to take pictures in a bag (all landscappes of Reunion Island) and inquire the tourists people to have informations about this. They had to read (story, poem), and to draw. They worked as groups and shared ttheir own work.
There was a picture contest with themes : brown, creepage, incongruous, empty space...
The teaching method used cooperation, creativity, own choice, sharing.
At the end, we were at the atmsophere's observatory. The encharged, Valentin Duflot, welcomed us and explained the role of the structure (study of atmosphere, with international partners like Nasa) and the diferent jobs necessary to work.
Then, in the pictures you'll see this diferents moments and examples of pupil's work.
About writing, they had to close their eyes and note 3 words to qualify what they felt. For example, they wrote : wind, heat, noise of walking, culture, homogeneous, nature, respect, relaxation, family, desert, empty space, glacial, wildlife, empty air, journey...
And to finish, what pupils with the biggest school dificulties wrote (with 4 themes imposed) : "This place is impossible to flee. We are only able to contemplate it.The slopes are tremendous. There are a lot of visiting people and families who come. When you are here, you enjoy pace the landscapes. There is a lot of fauna and flora. Then, tourists are numerous to contemplate the empty space. But, in this place there is a lot of changing weather, from freshness to the fire of the sun".
Sébastien Heintz, PE teacher, encharged of the outing
Now enjoy these landscapes

jueves, 19 de diciembre de 2019

The sound of the nature in the baptistery of Lydia, in Kavala

The sound of the river Zigaktis, where the first european woman, Lydia was baptised by Apostole Paul. Sounds collected by our team.

What do you know about Greece?

The town of Kavala in Greece!!

The ancient city of Philippi

Greek cultural calendar!!

Since our project is about cultural heritage, enjoy the calendar that the greek team created in which all the Christmas and New year's Eve greek traditions are presented!!

Christmas cards!!

Our handmade Christmas and New Year's Eve cards. Our students created greeting cards for all our partners!! Merry Christmas and happy new year to everybody!!

Activities about our visit in Philippi

After our visit in the area of the archaeological site of Philippi and the baptistery of Lydia, the students were asked a) to write a colour, a shape, a smell, a feeling, a sound, a word about their visit and b) with the initial letters of the word Philippi to write some words relevant to their visit. We worked in the Greek language and it is in our plans to work in the English language too and to use these words in creative writing activities.You can see all the photos in the file of twinspace.


The greek team is working in the e-twinning platform

We believe in the collaboration and in the interaction between the students of all the teams, so we keep working in the e-twinning platform where our students present themselves, they write their ideas about cultural heritage and they try to get more familiar with the other countries.

martes, 17 de diciembre de 2019

School trip – Landscape

 On Tuesday 2nd, November we went to Ocre de Rustrel also called the Provencal Colorado. We saw hills which have been progressively shaped by the rain. They have beautiful autumn colours: shades of red, orange and yellow. It was such a fantastic landscape, it looked like a desert. 

 Ochre colours the hills of this place. Ochre is a mixture of sand and coloured clay. 

 Then, we also saw an aqueduct in which people used to add ochre in order to be transported with water. 

 We walked on orange, red and yellow sand. 

 We went to the Bruoux mines in the afternoons. A guide taught us that ochre contains 20% of clay and 80% of sand. Inside the mines, we saw some sorts of white residues on the ceiling. It was the calcite produced by the rain water. 

 There is a groundwater table underneath the hill.


People must pump up the water to prevent mines from collapsing. Moreover, the mines’ temperature must never rise up above 10°C.

 3 different families dug into the hills hence the 3 different entrances. Mines were hand-dug into between 1848 and 1950. 

 On the ceiling, there are some dark marks. These were made by miners who used torches inside. You can understand how fast they could work. There are more than 50km of galleries inside the mines. A miner could dig 1 meter a day.


lunes, 16 de diciembre de 2019

                                 I VISITED AVIGNON

Welcome to Avignon:
First, i went to Pope’s palace. The palace is there are many stairs and gigantic and fabulous. We saw statues and portraits of popes in the palace. Then, there are paintings on the walls and there is a chapel of Jesus in the Pope’s palace.

Secondly, I went to Avignon’s bridge. The Avignon’s bridge is broken because there were floods. The floods have destroyed the Avignon’s bridge. It is on the Rhone. We took selfies on the bridge with the class.

After, we ate in park next door Pope’s palace and Avignon’s bridge.
Finally, the streets are narrow and old. The center town is surrounded by rampart.
To conclude, Avignon is amazing and funny. 

Rutina del jueves 10 de octubre
De 8.00-9.00 hemos tenido clase normal de Arte.
Luego fuimos a la sala chevalier de folard donde nos encontramos con nuestros profesores : Mme Couvreur ( profesora de español), Mr Da Silva ( profesor de inglés), Mr Legros (profesor de historia y geografía) y Mr Riollet el profesor principal.

Ahí, vimos un documental sobre Aviñón y los profesores nos separaron en dos grupos. El grupo español y el grupo inglés, cada alumno de su grupo tenía una función (trabajos).
Fuimos andando hasta el centro de la ciudad y el profesor nos explicó varias cosas sobre las murallas y la ciudad.
Después, los grupos se separaron, el grupo uno fue al palacio de los papas y el grupo dos fue al museo (pequeño palacio).

En el museo había una “médiatrice documental » que  nos explicó varias cosas sobre la historia de este museo ; hemos visto cuadros, esculturas, ….etc.
Al final de nuestra guía cultura ; los dos grupos nos encontramos en el jardín para comer y volver al colegio.
En el camino de ida y vuelta hemos hecho varias fotos grupales y de los monumentos.
Cuando llegamos al instituto fuimos a clase y nos hemos preparado para hablar con uno de los institutos que participaban en el grupo erasmus, el juego era de adivinar de que instituto trataba haciéndonos preguntas uno al otro y respondiendo con sí o no.
El instituto era el de la isla de la reunión, ellos también hablaban francés, así que fue muy fácil comunicarnos. Nos hicimos varias preguntas y luego nos despedimos. Fue muy divertido.
Lo que más me gustó de este día fue el encuentro por video llamada con el instituto de la reunión y el hecho de haber aprendido muchas cosas nuevas que antes no conocía.

the arrival of the concrete in reunionese architecture

   From march to may, we studied reunionese architecture. Here is the presentation of Anwad, Benyamine and Ny Aina about " the arrival...